Weather Announcement: Due to the winter snow storm the morning Sunday School for February 9th has been cancelled. We will be having our regularly scheduled morning and evening Worship Services. We hope you can make it.

Who We Are

 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is a family of faith whose doors are always open to others. You will find our church to be warm, friendly, and caring. We want you to feel welcome when you fellowship with us. We are still imperfect people, but we have been transformed by the power of God and seek to follow Him. We invite you to worship with us at any of the following times.

You can expect to find reverent hearts in clothes that range from casual to your Sunday best. You will encounter preaching and teaching that is both biblical and practical, as well as Spirit-empowered worship that exalts the Lord God while building up and instructing His people. Our mission is to know Christ and make Him known from here in Lehigh Valley to the ends of the Earth. 
Will you consider joining us in this high calling?